Localized country names

I recommend this site: https://github.com/umpirsky/country-list

List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.

The proper location to get this information from is CLDR - Unicode Common Locale Data Repository.

There you can find an updated list of countries (core/common/main), the data is available in numerous formats.

There's probably an ISO standard document you can buy (a useful standard is ISO 3166-1, I think).

On the other hand, you might just be able to scrape through the various language versions of this wikipedia page, since it has a list of country names. I did a random check and it seemed the entire list was in at least one non-English language, too.

A know this is an old post but I found something that might help others who end up viewing this post via a google search.

This alternative to a select list gives (some) localised country names.

selectToAutocomplete by Jamie Appleseed

Take a look at the data-alternate-spelling tag for the items within the select menu.