LiveData remove Observer after first callback

Your first one will not work, because observeForever() is not tied to any LifecycleOwner.

Your second one will not work, because you are not passing the existing registered observer to removeObserver().

You first need to settle on whether you are using LiveData with a LifecycleOwner (your activity) or not. My assumption is that you should be using a LifecycleOwner. In that case, use:

Observer observer = new Observer<DownloadItem>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable DownloadItem downloadItem) {
        if(downloadItem!= null) {
            DownloadManager.this.downloadManagerListener.onDownloadManagerFailed(null, "this item already exists");

model.getDownloadByContentId(contentId).observe((AppCompatActivity)context, observer);

I love the generic solutions by Vince and Hakem Zaied, but to me the lambda version seems even better:

fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeOnce(observer: (T) -> Unit) {
    observeForever(object: Observer<T> {
        override fun onChanged(value: T) {

fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeOnce(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: (T) -> Unit) {
    observe(owner, object: Observer<T> {
        override fun onChanged(value: T) {

So you end up with:

    val livedata = model.getDownloadByContentId(contentId)
    livedata.observeOnce((AppCompatActivity) context) {
        if (it != null) {
            DownloadManager.this.downloadManagerListener.onDownloadManagerFailed(null, "this item already exists")

Which I find cleaner.

Also, removeObserver() is called first-thing as the observer is dispatched, which makes it safer (i.e. copes with potential runtime error throws from within the user's observer code).

There is a more convenient solution for Kotlin with extensions:

fun <T> LiveData<T>.observeOnce(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<T>) {
    observe(lifecycleOwner, object : Observer<T> {
        override fun onChanged(t: T?) {

This extension permit us to do that:

liveData.observeOnce(this, Observer<Password> {
    if (it != null) {
        // do something

So to answer your original question, we can do that:

val livedata = model.getDownloadByContentId(contentId)
livedata.observeOnce((AppCompatActivity) context, Observer<T> {
    if (it != null) {
        DownloadManager.this.downloadManagerListener.onDownloadManagerFailed(null, "this item already exists");

The original source is here:

Update: @Hakem-Zaied is right, we need to use observe instead of observeForever.