Live reload is not working with Ionic serve command

Here is what worked for me:

  • stop ionic service if you running it 'q' command
  • run: ionic address from command prompt

After running this command it will prompt you to select what address you would like to use one is localhost and the second one is your machine IP address. Try to use select your machine IP address instead of localhost.

Even I faced similar issue, console used to display the file changed but automatic browser refresh wasn't happening. Later I found out a missing closing tag in my index.html page that prevented ionic to inject the below script required for live reload.

    <script src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></script>

Please check for any typo errors or other html issues in the index.html page and fix those. Live reload should word properly after that.

In Ionic 2/3, I solved this problem by removing the folder node_modules/ and file package-lock.json, then at terminal run: npm install --save