Listings: different counters for different listing environments

A solution in the spirit of Elenaher's comment:

    \lstset{ ... }
} {\addtocounter{algorithm}{1}}

    \lstset{ ... }
} {\addtocounter{program}{1}}

Then the following:

\begin{algorithm}{Algorithm caption}{alg-label}

\begin{algorithm}{Another algorithm caption}{another-alg-label}

\begin{program}{Program caption}{prg-label}

results in:

Algorithm 1.1
Algorithm 1.2
Program 1.1

Maybe you should try to invoke manually the command setcounter to change the counter of lstlisting like that :


Thus, you will be able to re-initialize the counter for each new environments.

Then you could do more complicated things like automating the invocation of setcounter with the values of the label.