Listen to changes and reload container on code change - docker-compose

Use nodemon to automatically restart the node server when code is changed . Before that install nodemon in your docker image and make sure it is present.

Refer this URL to install nodemon :

then change your CMD in Dockerfile

CMD ["nodemon", "--exec", "npm", "run", "docker-start"]

This is reload your nodejs application whenever codes are changed

You might be facing several issues here, since Docker and Windows don't get along all to well unfortunately.

The cannot GET\ error is defenitely weird and should not occur. First you might want to verify that your volume was mounted correctly and all data are there after running the container.

If the working directory inside your container is empty (which might be the case) you could try to check your docker settings, whether the required drives are shared correctly.

If they are and you still cannot see any data you might want to reset your credentials. This requires you to provide your windows password to docker.

Docker Settings

The bad News

The bad news is, that apparently the inotify event (which is used to detect changes on mounted volumes) does not work with Docker on Windows yet, according to the Docker Docs. You might want to follow their recommendations on how to get around that issue.

The good News

Luckily, there are many projects which attempt to solve your problem, such as Go-Touch. I haven't verified that myself, but I hope you will benefit from them.