List only folders of certain depth using Java 8 streams

To list only sub-directories of a given directory:

Path dir = Paths.get("/path/to/stuff/");
Files.walk(dir, 1)
     .filter(p -> Files.isDirectory(p) && ! p.equals(dir))
     .forEach(p -> System.out.println(p.getFileName()));

Here is a solution that works with arbitrary minDepth and maxDepth also larger than 1. Assuming minDepth >= 0 and minDepth <= maxDepth:

final int minDepth = 2;
final int maxDepth = 3;
final Path rootPath = Paths.get("/path/to/stuff/");
final int rootPathDepth = rootPath.getNameCount();
Files.walk(rootPath, maxDepth)
        .filter(e -> e.toFile().isDirectory())
        .filter(e -> e.getNameCount() - rootPathDepth >= minDepth)

To accomplish what you asked originally in the question of listing "...only folders of certain depth...", just make sure minDepth == maxDepth.