LIST natpf rules in Virtualbox/Vagrant

You can list the nat rules by the following command:

VBoxManage showvminfo #{vmid}

You then get a lot of information about your VM including the forwarding rules, for example:

NIC 1 Rule(1):   name = ssh, protocol = tcp, host ip =, host port = 2022, guest ip = , guest port = 22

This got the job done for me:

VBoxManage showvminfo $VM_NAME --machinereadable | awk -F '[",]' '/^Forwarding/ { printf ("Rule %s host port %d forwards to guest port %d\n", $2, $5, $7); }'

I came here with the same problem; with your hint about deleting the rule I found that you can use the VirtualBox GUI to find the rules and delete them.

Of course, this only works when you are working on a machine with a GUI desktop.

  • Open the VirtualBox manager
  • Open the settings for the box in question (rmb -> settings, or the gear icon)
  • Select Network from the list on the left and open the Port Forwarding dialogue

From here you'll be able to directly remove the rules.

Looking at the rules, it seems they just get a name that is equal to the port being set. So you can also look at the Vagrantfile, and search for a line like this: :forwarded_port, guest: 5432, host: 5432

And guess that the name of the rule will be 5432. The name of the rule for forwarding the ssh port 22, is called ssh

$ vboxmanage modifyvm "vbox-id" --natpf1 delete "5432"