List all files that are not ignored by .gitignore

git status --short| grep  '^?' | cut -d\  -f2- 

will give you untracked files.

If you union it with git ls-files, you've got all unignored files:

( git status --short| grep '^?' | cut -d\  -f2- && git ls-files ) | sort -u

you can then filter by

( xargs -d '\n' -- stat -c%n 2>/dev/null  ||: )

to get only the files that are stat-able (== on disk).

Here is another way, using git check-ignore which you may find it cleaner:

find . -type f

will give you all the files in the current folder.

find . -type f -not -path './.git/*'

will give you all the files, with the exception of everything in .git folder, which you definitely don't want to include. then,

for f in $(find . -type f -not -path './.git/*'); do echo $f; done

is the same as above. Just a preparation to the next step, which introduce the condition. The idea is to use the git check-ignore -q which returns exit 0 when a path is ignored. Hence, here is the full command

for f in $(find . -type f -a -not -path './.git/*'); do
    if ! $(git check-ignore -q $f); then echo $f; fi



