Linq Query with a Where clause in an Include statement

In .Net 5 Filtered include feature is added (EF Core 5.0).

Supported operations are: Where, OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending, Skip, and Take

using (var context = new BloggingContext())
    var filteredBlogs = context.Blogs
        .Include(blog => blog.Posts
            .Where(post => post.BlogId == 1)
            .OrderByDescending(post => post.Title)

MSDN Reference :

You cant have a Where inside the Where, but you can use Any which will return a boolean

var result = ctx.Offenders
    .Include(o => o.Fees)
    .Include(o => o.ViolationOffenders)
    .Include(o => o.ViolationOffenders.Select(of => of.Violation))
    .Where(o => o.YouthNumber != "" && o.FirstName != "" 
        && o.Fees.Any(f=> f.Amount != null)) // here