Linq and Async Lambdas

How do you work with Async Lambdas and linq?

Mind if I turn that around? How do you want them to work?

Any time you start processing asynchronous streams, there's a lot of questions around semantics. It's not just slapping a Where clause on like you do with LINQ.

In this case, you're looking for some kind of "async where" filter applied to a synchronous source sequence. The entire idea of asynchronous code is that asynchronous operations may take varying amounts of time (and you want to free up your calling thread while that operation is in progress).

So, the first question to be answered about "async where" is when the filter is called. Since the source sequence is synchronous (an array), all of the input values are available immediately. Should the "async where" start the asynchronous filter for all of the elements concurrently, or should they only be processed one at a time?

If this was an actual "async where" instead of an "async any", the next question would be the ordering of the resulting sequence (i.e., when the results are evaluated). If we start all the asynchronous filters concurrently, then they can complete in a different order than they started. Should the resulting asynchronous sequence produce its first value as soon as any asynchronous filter returns true, or should the resulting sequence keep the original values in the same order (which implies buffering)?

Different scenarios require different answers to these questions. Rx is capable of expressing any of these answers, but it rather difficult to learn. Async/await is easier to read but less expressive.

Since this is an Any (not as general as a Where), you just have the first question to answer: can the filters run concurrently or one at a time?

If one at a time, then an approach like Yuval's would work:

bool found = false;
foreach (var i in test)
  if (await TestIt(i))
    found = true;
if (found)
  Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers > 3");
  Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers <= 3");

If the filters can run concurrently, then something like this:

var tasks = test.Select(i => TestIt(i)).ToList();
bool found = false;
while (tasks.Count != 0)
  var completed = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
  if (await completed)
    found = true;
if (found)
  Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers > 3");
  Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers <= 3");

You can't out of the box with LINQ. But you can write a little extension method which can make this work:

public static class AsyncExtensions
    public static async Task<bool> AnyAsync<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, Task<bool>> func)
        foreach (var element in source)
            if (await func(element))
                return true;
        return false;

And consume it like this:

static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
    int[] test = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

    if (await test.AnyAsync(async i => await TestIt(i))
        Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers > 3");
        Console.WriteLine("Contains numbers <= 3");

It does feel a little cumbersome to me, but it achieves your goal.

If you're working with a small subset of LINQ methods, I recommend following @YuvalItzchakov's answer as it relies solely on components available as part of the Base Class Library.

If rich query functionality over async sequences is necessary, you can use Rx.NET instead. Rx provides a wide array of LINQ methods over async sequences, some of which work with Task-returning delegates, i.e. SelectMany:

IEnumerable<int> numbers = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);

IEnumerable<int> evenNumbers = numbers
    .SelectMany(async i => new { Value = i, IsMatch = await IsEven(i) })
    .Where(a => a.IsMatch)
    .Select(a => a.Value)

async Task<bool> IsEven(int i)
    await Task.Delay(100);

    return i % 2 == 0;