Limiting user login attempts in PHP

I saw a creative approach to this once...

For each login attempt, that fails, the lockout time increases... exponentially.

attempt | lockout time
   1    |     2s
   2    |     4s
   3    |     8s
   4    |    16s
   5    |    32s
   6    |    64s
   7    |   128s
   8    |   256s
   9    |   512s
  10    |  1024s

In theory, it lets user make a mistake or two, but as soon as it appears to become a "hacking" attempt, the hacker gets locked out for longer and longer time periods.

I haven't used this myself (yet), but conceptually I quite like the idea. Of course on successful login, the counter is reset.

The limiting of how many attempts to be made on a website are to prevent brute force (automated) attacks your site. If you don't limit these attempts, a hacker can set up a script to keep guessing passwords until it finds one, and this may impact the availability of your web server.

Typically, you may want to time the user out (10 minutes as you mentioned) after 3 attempts, and lock them out after 6 or 9 consecutive repeated attempts, forcing the user to contact you in order to unlock their account. This is put into place because someone can modify their scripts to adjust your timeout.

If users can set their own passwords, some bot/kid will try to log in with a list of common passwords, and succeed. And if they don't know any users, they will try common names like admin, simon, rico, etc.

It doesn't help to just flag the user in session, as they can just remove the cookie or query param on their end. You need to have a count of failed login attempts for both IP and login name. Maybe be more forgiving for the IP as it can be shared among many users.