Lightning Components in Visualforce - Unable to read sobject

So after quite a bit more investigation, the workaround for this is to set an sobjectType attribute on the sobject prior to sending it to the server. Thus if I update my sendToServer method as follows:

sendToServer : function(cmp, ev) {
    var action=cmp.get('c.SendAccount');
    var acc=cmp.get('v.acc');

    // set the sobjectType!

    action.setParams({'acc' : acc});
    var self=this;
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            self.actionResponseHandler(response, cmp, self, self.sentAccount);

I don't get the error and I'm able to debug my SObject out on the server.

To re-iterate, this only seems to be an issue when the component is in a Visualforce page and has a lookup field populated. (As an aside, the same thing happens when I create the sobject client side, but I usually expect to have to specify the sobjectType there anyway).