License of the Minion Pro fonts that came with Adobe Reader

The Adobe Reader X EULA applies to fonts distributed with the package. It is specifically said that you may use the software (which includes the fonts) and usage means to access, copy or otherwise benefit from the software.

So if you download the Adobe Reader, you are allowed to use the fonts to typeset a document, include them in the resulting PDF file and print. Reasonably speaking, you may as well redistribute the document as the Adobe Reader including the fonts is freely available.

The fonts distributed with Adobe Reader or Adobe Reader font packs has the following license:

The font software contained in this package is being licensed to you solely for use with the Adobe Reader product ("Adobe Reader") subject to the terms and conditions of the Electronic End User License Agreement accompanying the Adobe Reader.

So, short answer is no, you cannot use them for anything else, and the above answer is IMO wrong.