Let's do some location arithmetic!

JavaScript (ES6), 136 134 133 bytes

Saved 1 byte thanks to Luke


Test cases

let f =


console.log(f('ab + bd'));  // acd
console.log(f('d - ab'));   // ac
console.log(f('ab * cd'));  // cf

Mathematica, 168 bytes


My initial solution (before the post was edited to clarify that the output must be simplified) was 64 bytes shorter:


This just modified that solution to work. It's probably shorter to actually use the methods described in the challenge, but I wanted to put this up anyway.


Replaces each sequence of letters with its corresponding integer by character code arithmetic, then converts the resulting string to an expression (which will automatically simplify to an integer), then produces a string of a characters of length equal to that integer, and finally replaces adjacent identical characters with the next character code up until a fixed point is reached.

Perl 5, 95 bytes

94 bytes of code + -p flag.

s/\w/a x 2**(-97+ord$&)/ge;s/(.*)-\1|\+//;/\*/&&($_=$`x length$');1while s/(.)\1/chr 1+ord$1/e

Try it online!

Three steps here:
- s/\w/a x 2**(-97+ord$&)/ge; converts the input into a string of a only.
- s/(.*)-\1|+//;/*/&&($_=$`x length$') will execute the operator (that are very simple on strings of a): + is the concatenation, - means removing from the first part as many a as there are in the second part, and * means duplicating the first part as many times as there are a in the second part.
- 1while s/(.)\1/chr 1+ord$1/e folds the consecutive same letters into the next letter in the alphabet.