Left margin minipage two figures

You can use a box and trick latex to think that the box has zero width and then center it:

\usepackage{showframe} %% just to show frames.


  \caption[VaR assuming normal distribution, Allianz]{VaR assuming normal distribution, Allianz}
  \caption[VaR assuming normal distribution, Basf]{VaR assuming normal distribution, BASF}

enter image description here

This can also be done with adjustbox package.

A \hspace{} is enough to do the trick. Add this in front of the first minipage (how much space depends on the particular case).



\hspace{-1.6cm}\begin{minipage}[b]{0.6\linewidth} %%% ADDED HERE %%%
  \caption[VaR assuming normal distribution, Allianz]{VaR assuming normal distribution, Allianz}
 \centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{example-image-b}}
  \caption[VaR assuming normal distribution, Basf]{VaR assuming normal distribution, BASF}


enter image description here