leading underscore in Python class names

What is an "internal" class is a matter of convention, which is why the PEP didn't define the term, but if you're exposing these to your users (providing methods that return this class, or rely on having this class passed around) it's not really "internal" at all.

You have three options, really. First might be documenting and making clear your intention for how this class be constructed, in other words allowing your users to construct and use instances of the class, and documenting how to do this. Since you want your higher-level class tracking these Slide objects, make that something the constructor interface mandates and sets up, so that users of your module can make these just like you.

Another would be to wrap those aspects of this class that you want to expose in the class that creates and manages these instances, in other words making this a truly internal class. If you only need to expose one method (say, add_shape()) this might be very reasonable. If you want a large chunk of the interface to this class to be exposed, though, that starts to look clumsy.

Finally, you could just clearly document that users shouldn't make instances of this class themselves, but have access to parts of the interface. This is confusing but might be an option.

I like the first choice, myself: expose the class to the user of your module and use its constructor and destructor implementation to ensure that it's always connected in the right way to other classes that need to know about it. Then, users can do things like subclass this thing and wrap methods they'd like to be calling anyway, and you make sure your objects stay connected.

I couldn't tell from just the description in your question, but from the additional information you provided in a comment, I think your Slide class is actually public.

This is true despite the fact that instances will only be created indirectly by calling the add_slide() method of a Presentation because the caller will then be free (and more likely required) to call the instance's methods to manipulate it afterward. In my opinion a truly private class would only be accessed by the methods of the class that "owns" it.

Letting things be any other way both breaks encapsulation and increases the coupling between components of your design, both of which are undesirable and should be avoided as much as possible for flexibility and reusability.

I think martineau's answer is a good one, certainly the simplest and no doubt most pythonic.

It is, though, by no means the only option.

A technique used frequently is to define the public methods as part of an interface type; for instance zope.interface.Interface is used widely in the twisted framework. Modern python would probably use abc.ABCMeta for the same effect. Essentially, the public method Presentation.add_slide is documented as returning some instance of AbstractSlide, which has more public methods; but since it's not possible to construct an instance of AbstractSlide directly, there's no public way to create one.

That technique can be particularly handy, since mock instances of the abstract type can be created that can assert that only the public methods are called; quite useful for unit testing (especially for the users of your library, so that they can make sure they're using only the public interfaces).

Another option; since the only publicly available way to create instances of the slide class is through Presentation.add_slide; you could make that literally be the constructor. Such would probably require some metaclass shenanegans, something like this should do.

from functools import partial

class InstanceConstructor(type):
    def __get__(cls, instance, owner):
        if instance is not None:
            return partial(cls, instance)
        return cls

And just define the add_slide behavior in the __init__ of the class:

>>> class Presentation(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.slides = []
...     class add_slide(object):
...         __metaclass__ = InstanceConstructor
...         def __init__(slide, presentation, color):
...             slide.color = color
...             presentation.slides.append(slide)
>>> p = Presentation()
>>> p.add_slide('red')
<instance_ctor.add_slide object at ...>
>>> p.slides
[<instance_ctor.add_slide object at ...>]
>>> p.slides[0].color



