Lazy Loading HTML5 picture tag

It's February 2020 now I'm pleased to report that Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (the Chromium-based Edge), and Mozilla Firefox all support the new loading="lazy" attribute. The only modern browser hold-out is Apple's Safari (both iOS Safari and macOS Safari) but they've recently finished adding it to Safari's codebase, so I expect it will be released sometime this year.

The loading="lazy" attribute is only for the <img /> element (and not <picture>) but remember that the <picture> element does not represent the actual replaced-content, the <img /> element does (i.e. the image that users see is always rendered by the <img /> element, the <picture> element just means that the browser can change the <img src="" /> attribute. From the HTML5 spec as of February 2020 (emphasis mine):

The picture element is somewhat different from the similar-looking video and audio elements. While all of them contain source elements, the source element's src attribute has no meaning when the element is nested within a picture element, and the resource selection algorithm is different. Also, the picture element itself does not display anything; it merely provides a context for its contained img element that enables it to choose from multiple URLs.

So doing this should just-work:

<picture width="500" height="500">
    <source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg" />
    <source media="(min-width: 18em)" srcset="med.jpg" />
    <source src="small.jpg" />
    <img src="small.jpg" alt="Photo of a turboencabulator" loading="lazy" />

For anyone still interested... After revisiting this issue, I came across a fairly new script called, Lazysizes. It's actually quite versatile, but more importantly it allows me to do lazy loading of images while utilizing the HTML5 markup as described in the OP.

Much thanks to the creator of this script, @aFarkas.

Working example of lazy loading images using the picture element and intersection observer tested in Chrome and Firefox. Safari doesn't support intersection observer so the images are loaded immediately, and IE11 doesn't support the element so we fallback to the default img

The media queries in the media attr are arbitrary and can be set to suit.

The width threshold set is 960px - try a reload above and below this width to see either the medium(-m) or large(-l) variation of the image being downloaded when the image is scrolled into the viewport.


<!-- Load images above the fold normally -->
  <source srcset="img/city-m.jpg" media="(max-width: 960px)">
  <source srcset="img/city-l.jpg" media="(min-width: 961px)">
  <img class="fade-in" src="img/city-l.jpg" alt="city"/>

  <source srcset="img/forest-m.jpg" media="(max-width: 960px)">
  <source srcset="img/forest-l.jpg" media="(min-width: 961px)">
  <img class="fade-in" src="img/forest-l.jpg" alt="forest"/>

<!-- Lazy load images below the fold -->
<picture class="lazy">
  <source data-srcset="img/river-m.jpg" media="(max-width: 960px)">
  <source data-srcset="img/river-l.jpg" media="(min-width: 961px)">
  <img data-srcset="img/river-l.jpg" alt="river"/>

<picture class="lazy">
  <source data-srcset="img/desert-m.jpg" media="(max-width: 960px)">
  <source data-srcset="img/desert-l.jpg" media="(min-width: 961px)">
  <img data-srcset="img/desert-l.jpg" alt="desert"/>

and the JS:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
   var lazyImages =[]
    document.querySelectorAll(".lazy > source")

   if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) {
      let lazyImageObserver = 
       new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {
          entries.forEach(function(entry) {
           if (entry.isIntersecting) {      
              let lazyImage =;
              lazyImage.srcset = lazyImage.dataset.srcset;
              lazyImage.nextElementSibling.srcset = lazyImage.dataset.srcset;

      lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {
   } else {
     // Not supported, load all images immediately
        image.nextElementSibling.src = image.nextElementSibling.dataset.srcset;

One last thought is that if you change the screen width back and forth, the image files are repeatedly downloaded again. If I could tie the above method in to a cache check then this would be golden...