Laver table computations and an algorithm that is not known to terminate in ZFC

Binary Lambda Calculus, 215 bits (27 bytes)

\io. let
  zero = \f\x. x;
  one = \x. x;
  two = \f\x. f (f x);
  sixteen = (\x. x x x) two;
  pred = \n\f\x. n (\g\h. h (g f)) (\h. x) (\x. x);
  laver = \mx.
    let laver = \b\a. a (\_. mx (b (laver (pred a))) zero) b
    in laver;
  sweet = sixteen;
  dblp1 = \n\f\x. n f (n f (f x)); -- map n to 2*n+1
  go2 = \mx. laver mx sweet mx (\_. mx) (go2 (dblp1 mx));
in go2 one

compiles to (using software at


This solution is mostly due to

CJam (36 32 bytes)


In practice, this errors out quite quickly because it overflows the call stack, but on a theoretical unlimited machine it is correct, and I understand that to be the assumption of this question.

The code for table(n,x,y) is rather inefficient and it can only compute in the Laver table A4 in a reasonable amount of time.

is not actually correct if we cache computed values to avoid recomputing them. That's the approach I've taken, using the j (memoisation) operator. It tests A6 in milliseconds and overflows the stack testing A7 - and I've actually deoptimised table in the interests of golfing.


If we assume that n is understood from the context, instead of

f(x,y) =
    x==2^n ? y :
    y==1 ? x+1 :

we can remove the first special case, giving

f(x,y) =
    y==1 ? x+1 :

and it still works because

f(2^n, 1) = 2^n + 1 = 1

and for any other y,

f(2^n, y) = f(f(2^n, y-1), 1) = f(2^n, y-1) + 1

so by induction we get f(2^n, y) = y.

For CJam it turns out to be more convenient to reverse the order of the parameters. And rather than using the range 1 .. 2^n I'm using the range 0 .. 2^n - 1 by decrementing each value, so the recursive function I'm implementing is

g(y,x) =
    y==0 ? x+1
         : g(x+1, g(y-1, x))

1           e# Initial value of 2^n
{           e# do-while loop
  2*        e#   Double 2^n (i.e. increment n)
  31T       e#   table(n,1,32) is g(31,0) so push 31 0
  W$,(+a    e#   Set up a lookup table for g(0,x) = x+1 % 2^n
  {         e#   Memoisation function body: stack is 2^n ... y x
    0X$j    e#     Compute g(0,x) = x+1 % 2^n
            e#     Stack is 2^n ... y x (x+1%2^n)
    @(      e#     Bring y to top, decrement (guaranteed not to underflow)
            e#     Stack is 2^n ... x (x+1%2^n) (y-1%2^n)
    @jj     e#     Rotate and apply memoised function twice: g(x+1,g(y-1,x))
  2j        e#   Memoise two-parameter function
            e#   Stack: 2^n g(31,0)
  )W$=      e#   Test whether g(31,0)+1 is 2^n
}g          e# Loop while true