Launch YouTube App in iOS device

Update for Swift 3 and iOS 10+

OK, there are two easy steps to achieve this:

First, you have to modify Info.plist to list Youtube with LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Simply open Info.plist as a Source Code, and paste this:


After that, you can open any Youtube URL inside Youtube application by simply substituting https:// with youtube://. Here is a complete code, you can link this code to any button you have as an Action:

@IBAction func YoutubeAction() {

    let YoutubeID =  "Ktync4j_nmA" // Your Youtube ID here
    let appURL = NSURL(string: "youtube://\(YoutubeID)")!
    let webURL = NSURL(string: "\(YoutubeID)")!
    let application = UIApplication.shared

    if application.canOpenURL(appURL as URL) { as URL)
    } else {
        // if Youtube app is not installed, open URL inside Safari as URL)


You can use this:


where XXXXXX is the code of the video in youtube.

Since Youtube isn't pre-installed on the phone, it's a good idea to safeguard this by testing the URL then falling back to using safari if they don't have youtube installed.

Add this key to your info.plist


Then this is the code that will fallback to safari if the Youtube app isn't installed.

    let youtubeId = "vklj235nlw"
    var url = URL(string:"youtube://\(youtubeId)")!
    if !UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url)  {
        url = URL(string:"\(youtubeId)")!
    }, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)



