Latest iTunes connect build not showing in TestFlight

I had the same problem and the toggle answer didn't work. I had to remove myself as an internal tester and then invite myself agin. After entering the redeem code into the TestFlight App it worked like a charm!

Check also if you compiled the app with the right certificate. I got the same issue when uploading a binary compiled with the wrong one (Ad Hoc instead of App Store). App Loader and iTunes didn't complain, but the binary wasn't visible for selection in TestFlight.

I've found that sometimes I've needed to toggle the 'TestFlight Beta Testing' switch to get everything to work.

UPDATE: iTunesConnect has been updated since the above answer. Now to reset it you should do the following steps:

  1. Select the 'Not Available for Testing' then tap save.

enter image description here

  1. Hit the 'Select Version to Test' on the right hand side. Select the version you want to test and then hit 'OK'.

  2. Finally hit save and then tap the 'Start Testing' button. enter image description here

Now you should be good to go!


Itunes connect seems to have changed again. The method above is no longer available. One solution us to expire the build, re-upload, and start testing again. To expire a build, select the build being tested (in the test flight section) the click expire in the top right corner. It should look something like this: Expire build

This seems to remove the build from TestFlight and you will need to upload a new build. Not optimal, but I can't find another method right now.

I encountered the same issue and I went to the iTunesConnect website -> My Apps -> Selected my app -> Opened the TestFlight tab -> clicked on the build number.

After that, in a few seconds the app showed up in the TestFlight app.

Hope it helps.