Laravel - Where to store statuses (flags)? Model, Class or config folder?

In my applications I do similar to @Martin Bean except I don't create separate classes for status, I store that inside the existent class/Model.

I'm going to call user, subscription and entity a entity.

  • Entity have a status that exists in it's Model and table in the database.
  • Each Model have constants of possible values of status like ACTIVE, INACTIVE, PENDING, etc, and those may vary for each Model.
  • Create methods for dealing with it like getStatusLabel(), listStatus(), isActive(), isX(), etc.
  • Those isActive/X() are only created if really necessary, maybe a Model have 4 status but you only do comparisons against one specific, so I'd create only one isX() for that status.


class User
    const STATUS_ACTIVE    = 1;
    const STATUS_SUSPENDED = 2;
    const STATUS_INACTIVE  = 3;

     * Return list of status codes and labels

     * @return array
    public static function listStatus()
        return [
            self::STATUS_ACTIVE    => 'Active',
            self::STATUS_SUSPENDED => 'Suspended',
            self::STATUS_INACTIVE  => 'Inactive'

     * Returns label of actual status

     * @param string
    public function statusLabel()
        $list = self::listStatus();

        // little validation here just in case someone mess things
        // up and there's a ghost status saved in DB
        return isset($list[$this->status]) 
            ? $list[$this->status] 
            : $this->status;

     * Some actions will happen only if it's active, so I have 
     * this method for making things easier.
     * Other status doesn't have a specific method because
     * I usually don't compare agains them
     * @return Boolean
    public function isActive()
        return $this->status == self::STATUS_ACTIVE;

I tend to create a specific model for statuses, that acts as an enum. So if I have an Event model, I may have a corresponding EventStatus model that looks like this:

class EventStatus
    public const CANCELLED = 'EventCancelled';
    public const POSTPONED = 'EventPostponed';
    public const RESCHEDULED = 'EventRescheduled';
    public const SCHEDULED = 'EventScheduled';

I can then do checks like this:

$event->status === EventStatus::CANCELLED;

And I’ll usually add convenience methods to my models too:

class Event extends Model
    public function isCancelled(): bool
        return $this->status === EventStatus::CANCELLED;

For the “human-friendly” strings, I’ll then have a language file that has the text strings:

<?php // resources/lang/en/event_status.php

return [
    EventStatus::CANCELLED => 'Cancelled',
    EventStatus::POSTPONED => 'Postponed',
    EventStatus::RESCHEDULED => 'Rescheduled',
    EventStatus::SCHEDULED => 'Scheduled',