Laravel use same form for create and edit

Pretty easy in your controller you do:

public function create()
    $user = new User;

    $action = URL::route('');

    return View::('viewname')->with(compact('user', 'action'));

public function edit($id)
    $user = User::find($id);

    $action = URL::route('user.update', ['id' => $id]);

    return View::('viewname')->with(compact('user', 'action'));

And you just have to use this way:

{{ Form::model($user, ['action' => $action]) }}

   {{ Form::input('email') }}
   {{ Form::input('first_name') }}

{{ Form::close() }}

I like to use form model binding so I can easily populate a form's fields with corresponding value, so I follow this approach (using a user model for example):

    {{ Form::model($user, ['route' => ['updateroute', $user->id], 'method' => 'patch']) }}
    {{ Form::open(['route' => 'createroute']) }}

    {{ Form::text('fieldname1', Input::old('fieldname1')) }}
    {{ Form::text('fieldname2', Input::old('fieldname2')) }}
    {{-- More fields... --}}
    {{ Form::submit('Save', ['name' => 'submit']) }}
{{ Form::close() }}

So, for example, from a controller, I basically use the same form for creating and updating, like:

// To create a new user
public function create()
    // Load user/createOrUpdate.blade.php view
    return View::make('user.createOrUpdate');

// To update an existing user (load to edit)
public function edit($id)
    $user = User::find($id);
    // Load user/createOrUpdate.blade.php view
    return View::make('user.createOrUpdate')->with('user', $user);



