Laravel - syntax error, unexpected end of file

I've run into this same error and I was able to fix it by adding spaces to the content within an inline if statement. For example:

Experienced error with:

@if( BLAH )Output@endif

Fixed error with:

@if( BLAH ) Output @endif

This may not be a problem in all cases and it was certainly difficult to track down but it is just one example that can cause this exact error.

There is an error within one of your views. If there is a more detailed stack trace it should show you details of a view, although the name will be an md5() string so it's a bit hard to find. You might want to delete all compiled Blade views in storage/views and let Blade re-compile the views.

If you still get the error then check your views to make sure you have all the proper closing tags, e.g., @endif or @endforeach

Always double check your views for any syntax errors.