Laravel Socialite first and last name

I've found that sometimes the user object won't contain the first and last names unless you specify you need those fields.

//get the driver and set desired fields
$driver = Socialite::driver('facebook')
// retrieve the user
$user = $driver->user();

then you can get the first name and last name like this

$user->user['first_name'] and $user->user['last_name']

Other stuff you can ask for:

for google plus:

$user->firstname = $user->user['name']['givenName'];
$user->lastname = $user->user['name']['familyName'];

According to the dump of the $user var you should be able to access the name values by doing:

$user->user['first_name'] and $user->user['last_name']

In linkedin you can get first and last name from provider like this.

$linkedinUser = $this->socialite->driver('linkedin')->user());

$attributes = [
        'first_name' => $linkedinUser->user['firstName'],
        'last_name' => $linkedinUser->user['lastName'],
        'email' => $linkedinUser->email,
        'avatar' => $linkedinUser->avatar,
        'linkedin_id' => $linkedinUser->id