Laravel eloquent does not update JSON column : Array to string conversion

This code did the work for me.

$user = User::where('id', $request->user_id)

$array_data = ["json_key3"=>"value"];

    'db_column->json_key1->json_key2' => $array_data

You can access your json keys using the arrow so you can update your column like so:

Flight::where('id', $id)->update([
   'destinations->from' => $data['from'],
   'destinations->to'  => $data['to']

As @fubar mentioned you have to have mysql 5.7 in order to have my solution to work.

check the docs

According to this conversation on Github : Make json attributes fillable if Model field is fillable Taylor Otwell recommande the use of save method :

$model->options = ['foo' => 'bar'];


So in you case you can do it like this :

$flight = Flight::find($id); 
$flight->destinations = $data; 