Laravel 5 Unable to detect application namespace

Okay, I solved it. What I did to solve this:

composer update

gave me following error:


"./composer.json" does not contain valid JSON
 Parse error on line 9:
 Expected: 'STRING' - It appears you have an extra trailing comma

I opened composer.json and there was one extra comma in last line:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.5.9",
    "laravel/framework": "5.1.*",

Removed the comma so it looked like this:

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.5.9",
    "laravel/framework": "5.1.*"

And problem was gone.

laravel version: 5.8.3

[One more Reason]: default app path in composer.json is modified

the default setup looks like this

"psr-4": {
    "App\\": "app/"

If its modified to say,

"psr-4": {
    "Core\\": "app/Core/"

the make commands with artisan wont work, and a few other things

the reason is

app is static in the path, and here is the where the exception is thrown

This default behavior can be modified in bootstrap/app.php

Here is my solution [reference:]




namespace Core;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Application as IlluminateApplication;

class Application extends IlluminateApplication
    protected $appPath = __DIR__;


$app = new \Core\Application(
    $_ENV['APP_BASE_PATH'] ?? dirname(__DIR__)

Usually, this means that your composer.json file contains invalid JSON. Usually an extra comma at the end of an array.

Try running this to tell you exactly where the issue is:

composer diagnose


Laravel 5