Laravel-5 'LIKE' equivalent (Eloquent)

I think this is better, following the good practices of passing parameters to the query:

BookingDates::whereRaw('email = ? or name like ?', [$request->email,"%{$request->name}%"])->get();



You can see it in the documentation, Laravel 5.5.

You can also use the Laravel scout and make it easier with search. Here is the documentation.

If you want to see what is run in the database use dd(DB::getQueryLog()) to see what queries were run.

Try this

BookingDates::where('email', Input::get('email'))
    ->orWhere('name', 'like', '%' . Input::get('name') . '%')->get();

$data = DB::table('borrowers')
        ->join('loans', '', '=', 'loans.borrower_id')
        ->select('borrowers.*', 'loans.*')   
        ->where('loan_officers', 'like', '%' . $officerId . '%')
        ->where('loans.maturity_date', '<', date("Y-m-d"))

I have scopes for this, hope it help somebody.

public function scopeWhereLike($query, $column, $value)
    return $query->where($column, 'like', '%'.$value.'%');

public function scopeOrWhereLike($query, $column, $value)
    return $query->orWhere($column, 'like', '%'.$value.'%');


$result = BookingDates::whereLike('email', $email)->orWhereLike('name', $name)->get();