Laravel 5.6 additional Route::resource() Parameters

Resource Controllers must implement a defined set of methods which are then mapped to the appropriate HTTP verb and path by the router. These methods, paths and verbs form part of a contract that cannot be adjusted, otherwise working with a Laravel application that implements Resource Controllers would be a headache.

Resource Controllers excel in providing the same experience across all Laravel applications, if your application requires behaviour that isn't supported out of the box by Resource Controllers then it is a sign that you should not be using them and should instead register your routes manually.

If you have just one route that needs to implement custom behaviour then you can register some methods instead of all and then choose to register a custom route to your Resource Controllers method, something like:

Route::resource('customers', 'CustomerController')->except([

Route::get('/customers/{page?}', 'CustomerController@index');

The documentation on Resource Controllers covers except and only.