Laravel 5.1 View not found

Please use terminal

homestead ssh > Press Enter
vagrant@homestead cd /Path_of_Your_Project/
vagrant@homestead:~/Path_of_Your_project php artisan cache:clear
vagrant@homestead:~/Path_of_Your_project php artisan config:cache

Sorry about my English

Turns out I had spelt blade incorrectly, took a second pair of eyes to notice it though.

$ ls resources/views/crud/booking/
crud.balde.php  index.balde.php

Was definitely a lesson to always double check the small things when debugging. Thanks for the help.

For someone who don't have SSH Access, There are two ways to solve this problem.

If you don't have any plugin of default Laravel package, First, Just remove the bootstrap/cache/config.php to solved the file,


If you have any plugin of default Laravel package, Change all related path mentioned bootstrap/cache/config.php into the exact path which allocated the laravel project.