Laravel 5.1 how to use {{ old('') }} helper on blade file for radio inputs

I have tried the accepted answer's solution, it doesn't work for me,

I had to use this {{}} curly braces (which is blade template's echo) in order to use the conditional statement.

<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" id="geckoHatchlingYes" value="1" {{(old('geckoHatchling') == '1') ? 'checked' : ''}}>

You can use Form-helper, but it doesn't come out of the box with Laravel. You should install it manually. Please read the docs.


1. Blade

{!! Form::radio('geckoHatchling', '1', (Input::old('geckoHatchling') == '1'), array('id'=>'geckoHatchlingYes', 'class'=>'radio')) !!}
{!! Form::radio('geckoHatchling', '0', (Input::old('geckoHatchling') == '0'), array('id'=>'geckoHatchlingNo', 'class'=>'radio')) !!}

2. PHP

echo Form::radio('geckoHatchling', '1', (Input::old('geckoHatchling') == '1'), array('id'=>'geckoHatchlingYes', 'class'=>'radio'));
echo Form::radio('geckoHatchling', '0', (Input::old('geckoHatchling') == '0'), array('id'=>'geckoHatchlingNo', 'class'=>'radio'));


1. Blade

<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" id="geckoHatchlingYes" value="1" @if(Input::old('geckoHatchling')) checked @endif>
<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" id="geckoHatchlingNo" value="0" @if(!Input::old('geckoHatchling')) checked @endif>

2. PHP

<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" value="1" class="radio" id="geckoHatchlingYes" <?php if(Input::old('geckoHatchling')== "1") { echo 'checked'; } ?> >
<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" value="0" class="radio" id="geckoHatchlingNo" <?php if(Input::old('geckoHatchling')== "0") { echo 'checked'; } ?> >

I think the following is a little bit cleaner:

<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" value="1" @if(old('geckoHatchling')) checked @endif>

<input type="radio" name="geckoHatchling" value="0" @if(!old('geckoHatchling')) checked @endif>

@if is checking the truthiness of the old value and outputting checked in either case.