Laravel 419 error on POST request via POSTMAN

It may be because you are not sending your csrf token with the form data.

In laravel it is mandatory to send the csrf token on every request.

If you don't want to send then mention you method name in the app/http/middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php file.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;

class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware

    protected $addHttpCookie = true;

   protected $except = [

you need to provide CSRF token with the request you send in that case you need a CSRF token.

Generating CSRF token on web.php

    Route::get('/token', function () {
        return csrf_token(); 

Sending a request with token | PUT FOLLOWING ON HEADERS |token should be change on each request

(KEY)           (VALUE)

if using postman on headers add

(KEY)                     (VALUE)
X-CSRF-TOKEN   yvthwsztyeQkAPzeQ5gHgTvlyxHfsAfE

you can found VALUE by add

public function index()
    return csrf_token(); 

and send GET on your route name then you will get VALUE of csrf


