Laptop losing all wi-fi signal when it is physically moved

As the problem isn't accruing with Linux it seems that it is windows so the only thing i could think of is that it is a driver problem. I have google'd your laptop and i have found these driver's. Try installing the 5 drives under Wireless (5).

As you have said you haven't changed any drives so the problem could of been windows update giving you the wrong ones. Strangely enough this happens to me when i reinstall windows and for some reason it stop's doing this after about 2-3 days.

Another idea is that it could be a fault with windows 7 x64 because i never had this problem until i bought so new ram and upgraded to 64 bit.

The best solution if the driver one doesn't work then just leave it for a few days and wait until your laptop isn't sulking. (+1 for using Linux Mint :-))

My guess is window's update.

Surprising I had the exact same problem with my windows 7 x64 laptop. I had concluded the problem was heat related and gave up trying to solve it. Like you I discovered disabling and enabling the wireless adapter solved the issue, for awhile. In my case, there is a keyboard function to toggle wireless, so while the issue was annoying it didn't bother to much to just hit the wireless key off, count to 3, and click it back on. although the lost 15 seconds of time while the connection was renegotiated was annoying.

Now that I read this question tho, I realize the problem has magically disappeared. It's been more than a month since I've seen that annoying yellow triangle. The only thing I can imagine that is different is updates that have been installed via windows update.