Laptop freezes after connecting external monitor, since 16.04 update

Update of kernel to 4.4.8-wily will solve the problem. It works fine with Intel® HD Graphics 520, so I assume that it should help to all Skylake graphics cards. Instalation instructions here:

The DELL D620 laptop (Intel graphics), with the 4.4.0-47-generic kernel also freezes with dual monitors.

There seems to be no problem if the second monitor is connected after successful startup with laptop-screen only, with the second monitor configured above laptop-monitor.

Manual configuration-command:

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60 --primary --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 --rate 60 --below VGA1

There also seems to be no problem with dual monitor, if both monitors are configured with the same size.

I solved the problem by using script I found here

Replace --fbmm with --mode within this script, and add:

sleep 5
xrandr --output VGA1 --off

before the line containing [ -n "$1" ] && sleep $1

If script is started with parameter 20, it will first turn off the second monitor after 5 seconds and then restore both screens after 20 seconds without problem.