Label Points in a circle in tikz

As a typical counterpart to tikz drawings, here's a take on the pstricks version.

enter image description here


  \psset{unit=3cm,runit=3cm}% Scaling of x,y and r units
  \pnode(3,0){O}% Circle origin
  \pscircle(O){1}% Outer circle
  \degrees[20]% 20 angles per 360 degrees (each angle is 18 degrees)
  \rput(O){\multido{\i=1+1}{20}{% Cycle through 20 angles and relocate relative to circle origin
    \pcline(O)(1;\i)% Print line from origin to circle edge
    \uput{5pt}[\i]{\i}(1;\i){\i}% Print label with rotation

Modifying the label command to

\uput{5pt}[\i]{0}(1;\i){\i}% Print label without rotation


enter image description here

Printing labels at for every odd index is possible by using

\ifodd\i\uput{5pt}[\i]{\i}(1;\i){\i}\fi% Print ODD label with rotation


\ifodd\i\else\uput{5pt}[\i]{\i}(1;\i){\i}\fi% Print EVEN label with rotation

prints only even indices. Here's an illustration of the latter (print EVEN labels with rotation) choice:

enter image description here

This can be combined with no rotation of every node as well. For this modify the appropriate parameter in the \uput command, which is defined by


This rotates <stuff> by angle <rotation> at distance <labelsep> and angle <refangle> from <coordinate>. In my example, using \degrees[<n>] divides 360 degrees into <n> angles. So, it allows you to use these angles (as numbers, where angle=i*(360/<n>)). Also, because of \SpecialCoor, one can use polar coordinates - represented by (<r>;<t>) - or Cartesian coordinates - represented by (<x>,<y>). pst-node allows for substituting any of these <coordinate> types with a node <name> defined by (say) \psnode(<coordinate>){<name>}, as was done in the MWE.

A friend of mine once needed kind of a cake to visualize fractions. Adding rotated nodes wasn't hard:

\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, fpu, decorations.pathreplacing}

\newcommand{\TikZFractionalCake}[5]{% Num, Denom, Color, Borders, Size
    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1}%
    {   \pgfmathsetmacro{\lox}{\x-1}%
        \filldraw[draw=#4,fill=#3] (0,0) -- (\angle*\lox:#5) arc (\angle*\lox:\angle*\x:#5) -- cycle;%
        \node[rotate=\mix*\angle] at (\mix*\angle:#5+0.3) {\x};




enter image description here

Sure, makes it even easier:

\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, fpu, decorations.pathreplacing}

\newcommand{\TikZFractionalCake}[5]{% Num, Denom, Color, Borders, Size
    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1}%
    {   \pgfmathsetmacro{\lox}{\x-1}%
        \filldraw[draw=#4,fill=#3] (0,0) -- (\angle*\lox:#5) arc (\angle*\lox:\angle*\x:#5) -- cycle;%
        \node[rotate=\x*\angle] at (\x*\angle:#5+0.3) {\x};




enter image description here

That is possible indeed:

\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc, fpu, decorations.pathreplacing}

\newcommand{\TikZFractionalCake}[6]{% Num, Denom, Color, Borders, Size, k-th label
    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1}%
    {   \pgfmathsetmacro{\lox}{\x-1}%
        \filldraw[draw=#4,fill=#3] (0,0) -- (\angle*\lox:#5) arc (\angle*\lox:\angle*\x:#5) -- cycle;%
    \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,int detect,precision=2}
    \foreach \x in {#6,\secondstep,...,#1}%
    {   \node[rotate=\x*\angle] at (\x*\angle:#5+0.3) {\pgfmathprintnumber{\x}};




enter image description here

You have several solutions :

1) you can mix tkz-euclide with tikz


\tkzDrawCircle[R](O,3 cm)
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\sectors} {
      \node[label=18*\i:\i] at  (P\i) {} ;

enter image description here


3) you use only tikz ! (see Tom' solution)

4) I forgot this one ( I have some difficulties to work with my personal packages). I put like you scale=3 but when it's possible I avoid the use of scale.


\tkzDrawCircle[R](O,1 cm)
\tikzset{label style/.style={} }; 
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\sectors} {

5) It's possible to place the label on the radius but I think it's not a good typographic idea


\tkzDrawCircle[R](O,1 cm)
\tikzset{label style/.style={} }; 
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\sectors} {
% it's possible to avoid the next loop with conditional macro ...
\foreach \i in {1,3,...,\sectors} {% you can change what you want here
            \tkzLabelPoint[rotate=18*\i,right](P\i){\i} ;

enter image description here