Kotlin: replace 'cascade if' with 'when' comparing with other variables

This should be the simplest equivalent of your if expression:

var variable = when {
    value < VAR_A -> valueA
    value <= VAR_B -> valueB
    value <= VAR_C -> valueC
    else -> valueD

The ideal syntax you may be looking for is

when (value) {
    < valueA -> valueA
    <= valueB -> valueB
    <= valueC -> valueC
    else -> valueD

Unfortunately, this isn't possible because the comparison operators are operator overloads for functions requiring a receiver:

value < valueA

is the same as

value.compareTo(valueA) < 0

Because compareTo is not a keyword like is or in (as used in zsmb13's answer), you would need to create this when block:

when {
    value < valueA -> valueA
    value <= valueB -> valueB
    value <= valueC -> valueC
    else -> valueD

Kotlin is full of wonderful things. You could adventure into some alternative solutions that don't use a cascading conditional at all. It looks to me like you want value to round up to the nearest of valueA, valueB, valueC, and valueD. So, for example, an alternative may be:

var variable = listOf(valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD).sorted().first { value <= it }

This will choose the closest value larger than value from the set and assign it to variable.