Kotlin extensions for Android: How to use bundleOf

Just to complete the other answers:

First, to use bundleOf, need to add implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.0.0' to the build.gradle then:

var bundle = bundleOf("KEY_PRICE" to 50.0, "KEY_IS_FROZEN" to false)

How about this?

val bundle = bundleOf (
   "KEY_PRICE" to 50.0,
   "KEY_IS_FROZEN" to false

to is a great way to create Pair objects. The beauty of infix function with awesome readability.

If it takes a vararg, you have to supply your arguments as parameters, not a lambda. Try this:

val bundle = bundleOf(
               Pair("KEY_PRICE", 50.0),
               Pair("KEY_IS_FROZEN", false)

Essentially, change the { and } brackets you have to ( and ) and add a comma between them.

Another approach would be to use Kotlin's to function, which combines its left and right side into a Pair. That makes the code even more succinct:

val bundle = bundleOf(
    "KEY_PRICE" to 50.0,
    "KEY_IS_FROZEN" to false