KOMA-Script scrbook: How to change V-space between chapter prefix and title

The scrbook class introduces an additional \vskip of .5\baselineskip between the heading "Chapter" and the title; unfortunately this skip is hard-coded, so you will have to redefine \@@makechapterhead to suppress it:



%\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


%Remove vertical space above/below chapter headings:
%http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43087/remove-space-before-chapter-title-with-koma-      script-scrbook


    \@tempa{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne%
    {\raggedsection \interlinepenalty\@M\size@chapter{#1}\par}}%



\chapter*{Abstract Title Page}
\chapter*{Copright Page}
\chapter*{Title Page}





enter image description here

With the etoolbox package, one can do this in one-line patching \@@makechapterhead:



%\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


%Remove vertical space above/below chapter headings:
%http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43087/remove-space-before-chapter-title-with-koma-      script-scrbook





\chapter*{Abstract Title Page}
\chapter*{Copright Page}
\chapter*{Title Page}





I commented out the line \setmainfont{Times New Roman} since I don't have that font in my system.

As egreg noticed in a comment, with the settings of the question, the heading "Chapter #" is slightly shifted to the left; to correct this, the following additional redefinition had to be added:


With a KOMA-Script class use \RedeclareSectionCommand[...]{chapter} to change the skips before, after and inside the chapter heading:

  afterindent=false,beforeskip=0pt,% afterindent needs version 3.26 or newer



Do not use \MakeUppercase as a font command. Its usage in the second argument of \setkomafont or \addtokomafont results in an error.

You can redefine \chapterlineswithprefixformat (used for chapter headings with chapterprefix=on) and \chapterlinesformat (used for chapter headings with chapterprefix=off, default) to get chapter headings in capital letters:





\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


  afterindent=false,beforeskip=0pt,% afterindent needs version 3.26 or newer




\addchap*{Abstract Title Page}
\addchap*{Copright Page}
\addchap*{Title Page}
\chapter{Chapter 2}

enter image description here