Koa.js - serving static files and REST API

const root = require('path').join(__dirname, 'client', 'build');

app.use(async ctx => {
    await send(ctx, `/index.html`, {

It was a little hard for me to follow what you were doing in your example code... Here is a simple example that does everything your wanting:

'use strict';
let koa     = require('koa'),
    send    = require('koa-send'),
    router  = require('koa-router')(),
    serve   = require('koa-static');

let app = koa();
// serve files in public folder (css, js etc)
app.use(serve(__dirname + '/public'));

// rest endpoints
router.get('/api/whatever', function *(){
  this.body = 'hi from get';
router.post('/api/whatever', function *(){
  this.body = 'hi from post'


// this last middleware catches any request that isn't handled by
// koa-static or koa-router, ie your index.html in your example
app.use(function* index() {
  yield send(this, __dirname + '/index.html');
