Keycloak public client and authorization

I think you are referring to the "Authorization Enabled" switch in the admin console of Keycloak, when creating a client. If you go over the question mark next to the label, you'll see the hint "Enable/Disable fine grained authorization support for a client.

Create client in Keycloak admin console (v 6.0.1)

This is meant for when you create a client for a backend application that serves as a resource server. In that case, the client will be confidential.

If you want to create a client for a frontend app, to authenticate a user and obtain an JWT, then you don't need this.

See also:

As far as I understood, you have your frontend and backend applications separated. If your frontend is a static web-app and not being served by the same backend application (server), and your backend is a simple REST API - then you would have two Keycloak clients configured:

  • public client for the frontend app. It would be responsible for acquiring JWT tokens.
  • bearer-only client, which would be attached to your backend application.

To enable authorization you would create roles (either realm or client scoped, start on the realm level as it's easier to comprehend). Every user would then be assigned a role/s in the Keycloak admin UI. Based on this you should configure your keycloak adapter configuration (on the backend).

All things considered, in order to talk to your REST API, you would attach a JWT token to each HTTP request in the Authorization header. Depending on your frontend framework, you can use either of these:

  • Keycloak js adapter
  • Other bindings (angular, react)

P.S. For debugging I have just written a CLI tool called brauzie that would help you fetch and analyse your JWT tokens (scopes, roles, etc.). It could be used for both public and confidential clients. You could as well use Postman and

HTH :)