keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in Intellij IDEA

If you have multiple projects just switching between them may be too tedious.

In such case it's better to open Window menu using ALT+W and choose project from list.

To make quick search working for project names you need to open Window menu as popup. To do it just assign keyboard shortcut for it:


I chose CTRL+ALT+W as my shortcut to open the following window with project quick search:

enter image description here

for Mac OS X, try:

option + command + [
option + command + ]

On osx, I use the standard keystroke (both Command+~ or Command+` seem to work) for switching windows within an application.

On windows, I use alt+tab.

Annoyingly, you can use "Cmd + `" to switch through your windows but it doesn't loop back to the first window when you reach the end. You have to use "Shift + Cmd + `" to go in the reverse direction.

enter image description here