Keyboard shortcut to move window to a side in Gnome

Taken from comments, here's the answer that helped me, no tools needed.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Ctrl+Super+Left Arrow - Dock to the left side of your monitor

Ctrl+Super+Right Arrow - Dock to the right side of your monitor

Ctrl+Super+Up Arrow - Maximize the window

Ctrl+Super+Down Arrow (When docked or maximized) - Restore the window.

Ctrl+Super+Down Arrow (When restored) - Minimize the window.

This won't move windows between monitors like it does in Windows. I haven't figured out a way to do that.

Yes...there is a way in Linux to do so ( and to your surprise, it will also work in Windows too )

Just press Alt+Spacebar then hit the key m and then move wherever you want by usin the arrow keys. Once you done, hit the Enter key.

And, oh yeah, It will work if and only if the window in question is not fully maximized

There's no predefined shortcut, but you can make your own. Install the xdotool utility. The following commands move a window to the top and bottom respectively:

xdotool windowmove $(xdotool getwindowfocus) x 0
xdotool windowmove $(xdotool getwindowfocus) x 9999

(Some installations have the unfortunate bug that using x or y, which is supposed to leave that coordinate unchanged, doesn't take the width of the window border into account.)

To bind a command like this to a key, go to the system settings, in the “Keyboard” panel, in the “Shortcuts” tab. Select “Custom Shortcuts” and click the + sign to add a new shortcut.