Keyboard shortcut synchronization with Eclipse and IDEA?

To get Eclipse Shortcuts, go to "Settings" and type "keymap". Then select Eclipse on the list.

Odd, someone had the exact same wish back in 2005!

Intellij is supposed to have an Eclipse Keymap

The IntelliJ FAQ for eclipse user mentions:

IntelliJ IDEA includes a bundled Eclipse keymap, so you can select it in Settings dialog, Keymap if you prefer using shortcuts you're accustomed to.

IntelliJ is supposed to have that Eclipse keymaps since the Demetra 6.0.5 version.
See their Release Notes from that (old) version.

Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea:
Press ctrl+`(also have tilde~ on it, button at the left side of digit 1). Then press 3 (Keymap) and select 2 (Eclipse). Done!