Kendo grid how to pass additional parameter from java script

Finally i got the answer my own and it is :


Sorry for the terrible late at the party, but i've got some special cake that you may find tasty:

function readData()
    return {
        anagId: selectedItem.ID

        dataSource: {
            type: "ajax",
            transport: {
                read: {"url":"@Url.Action("RecordRead", "Tools")","data":readData} 
       [ rest of the grid configuration]

I came across this code by inspecting the code generated by Kendo Asp.Net MVC helpers.

I don't know if this is a further implementation that didn't exist at the age of the post, but this way looks really the most flexible compared to the other answers that i saw. HTH

Try this:

  1. Add this to your grid read function or any CRUD operation:

    .Read(read => read.Action("ReadCompanyService", "Admin").Data("CompanyServiceFilter"))
  2. Add javascript:

    function CompanyServiceFilter()
        return {
            company: $("#ServiceCompany").val()
  3. In your controller:

    public ActionResult ReadCompanyService([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, string company)
        var gridList = repository.GetCompanyServiceRateList(company);
        return Json(gridList.ToDataSourceResult(request));

Please note, only string type data is allowed to be passed on read, create, update and delete operations.