Justify text in moderncv cover letter

Add the following to your document preamble, after loading the moderncv style (classic):

\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\patchcmd{\makeletterhead}% <cmd>
  {\raggedright \@opening}% <search>
  {\@opening}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>


The above patch just removes the necessary \raggedright from the template at the correct location (just before calling \@opening).

You can simply include:


and right after \makelettertitle put:


Works fine for me both with classic and with casual.

Just fix the "bug" in moderncv templates. If you use banking style, go to moderncvstylebanking.sty and change

% opening


% opening

Note that this simply enclose the raggedright command, so it won't affect the entire document from this point onwards. You can do the same for each of the other styles.