JSON.NET JsonConvert vs .NET JavaScriptSerializer

For a very long time, my app used JavascriptSerializer and saw no real reason to migrate. Even if performance comparisons claim huge percentage gains, we're talking milliseconds.

But here's one very very good reason to migrate: JavascriptSerializer isn't available in .Net Core because it's part of System.Web So if you're using JavascriptSerializer, you're stuck and have to migrate to JSON.net

I think this is exactly the kind of comparison you are looking for.

It basically says that JSON.Net is better because it among other things...

  • Is faster
  • Has LINQ to JSON support
  • Can convert JSON to and from XML

In my opinion the only positive, (and it is a small positive), I can see for the built-in serializer is that there is no extra external dependency to manage.

Edit: Codeplex is shutting down one day so you can find the comparison here as well, just search for "Feature comparison" on the page.