json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Determining of root cause is not an issue since Go 1.8; field name now is shown in the error message:

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Comment.author of type string

Here's a fixed version of it: http://play.golang.org/p/w2ZcOzGHKR

The biggest fix that was needed is when Unmarshalling an array, that property needs to be an array/slice in the struct as well.

For example:

{ "things": ["a", "b", "c"] }

Would Unmarshal into a:

type Item struct {
    Things []string

And not into:

type Item struct {
    Things string

The other thing to watch out for when Unmarshaling is that the types line up exactly. It will fail when Unmarshalling a JSON string representation of a number into an int or float field -- "1" needs to Unmarshal into a string, not into an int like we saw with ShippingAdditionalCost int

You JSON doesn't match your struct fields: E.g. "district" in JSON and "District" as the field.

Also: Your Item is a slice type but your JSON is a dict value. Do not mix this up. Slices decode from arrays.


