jQuery Validate with Summernote Editor error: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined

I use this script to tell the validator to ignore Summernote elements. It can be tweaked to ignore elements generated by other HTML editors.

$('form').each(function () {
    if ($(this).data('validator'))
        $(this).data('validator').settings.ignore = ".note-editor *";

If you ever encounter this issue with the quill (rich text editor) when validating forms with jQuery validator, simply do the following:

  ignore: ".ql-container *"
  // continue validation

Where '#id-of-form-to-validate' could simply be an id, class or form element.

the cleanest approach without hardcoded Ids comes from JQuery.Validate github discussion it self:

  // This will ignore all hidden elements alongside `contenteditable` elements
  // that have no `name` attribute
  ignore: ":hidden, [contenteditable='true']:not([name])"

Souce: https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation/issues/1875