jQuery Validate - Enable validation for hidden fields

This worked for me, within an ASP.NET MVC3 site where I'd left the framework to setup unobtrusive validation etc., in case it's useful to anyone:

$("form").data("validator").settings.ignore = "";

The plugin's author says you should use "square brackets without the quotes", []


Release: Validation Plugin 1.9.0: "...Another change should make the setup of forms with hidden elements easier, these are now ignored by default (option “ignore” has “:hidden” now as default). In theory, this could break an existing setup. In the unlikely case that it actually does, you can fix it by setting the ignore-option to “[]” (square brackets without the quotes)."

To change this setting for all forms:

    ignore: [],
    // any other default options and/or rules

(It is not required that .setDefaults() be within the document.ready function)

OR for one specific form:

$(document).ready(function() {

        ignore: [],
        // any other options and/or rules



See this answer for how to enable validation on some hidden fields but still ignore others.


Before leaving comments that "this does not work", keep in mind that the OP is simply asking about the jQuery Validate plugin and his question has nothing to do with how ASP.NET, MVC, or any other Microsoft framework can alter this plugin's normal expected behavior. If you're using a Microsoft framework, the default functioning of the jQuery Validate plugin is over-written by Microsoft's unobtrusive-validation plugin.

If you're struggling with the unobtrusive-validation plugin, then please refer to this answer instead: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11053251/594235