jQuery - Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM

You can use jQuery special events for this.

In all simplicity,


  $.event.special.destroyed = {
    remove: function(o) {
      if (o.handler) {


$('.thing').bind('destroyed', function() {
  // do stuff

Addendum to answer Pierre and DesignerGuy's comments:

To not have the callback fire when calling $('.thing').off('destroyed'), change the if condition to: if (o.handler && o.type !== 'destroyed') { ... }

Just checked, it is already built-in in current version of JQuery:

jQuery - v1.9.1

jQuery UI - v1.10.2

$("#myDiv").on("remove", function () {
    alert("Element was removed");

Important: This is functionality of Jquery UI script (not JQuery), so you have to load both scripts (jquery and jquery-ui) to make it work. Here is example: http://jsfiddle.net/72RTz/