jQuery to show/hide required password field

EDIT: Here's a description of how the code works:

cost email = $('#email').val() // get the starting value of the email 
                               // field to check if it has changed
$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function(){

    const f = $('#email').val() !== email 
        // check if the old email value is different than the new email value

        || $('#newPassword').val().length > 0 
        // check if there is text in the new password field

        ? 'show' : 'hide'; 
        // if one of the above statements are true,show the field, else hide it

    // update the field based on the above condition

If I understood your use case correctly the following code should do the job:

const email = $('#email').val();
$('.js-show-target-on-change').on('input', function() {
  const f = $('#email').val() !== email || $('#newPassword').val().length > 0 ? 'show' : 'hide';